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Stinging insects, such as bees, wasps, and hornets, can pose a threat to the safety and well-being of your home or business. While these insects play a vital role in our ecosystem, their presence in close proximity to human activity can lead to painful stings and, in some cases, allergic reactions. Our expert team is equipped to safely and efficiently remove nests, hives, or colonies, minimizing the risk of stings and ensuring the comfort of your living or working space. With a focus on both immediate relief and long-term prevention, our stinging insect control services are designed to keep your property free from these potentially dangerous pests. Trust us to provide a swift and effective solution to your stinging insect concerns, allowing you to enjoy your surroundings without the worry of painful encounters.

European Hornet
Asian Giant Hornet

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Bee Varieties

German Yellow Jacket

German yellow jackets typically build their nests underground, in abandoned rodent burrows, or hollow trees. They are also known to construct nests in wall voids and attics of buildings. These social wasps are aggressive when defending their nests.

Eastern Yellow Jacket

Eastern yellow jackets are ground-nesting wasps. They create nests in soil cavities, such as old burrows or hollow logs. Additionally, they can build nests in wall voids and attics. These wasps are known for their aggressive behavior if their nest is disturbed.

European Hornet

European hornets prefer to construct their nests in hollow trees, wall voids, or other enclosed spaces. Their nests are made of chewed wood fibers mixed with saliva, creating a paper-like material. These hornets can be very defensive if their nest is threatened.

Paper Wasp

Paper wasps build open, umbrella-shaped nests suspended from structures such as eaves, branches, or porch ceilings. Constructed using plant fibers mixed with saliva, their nests have a papery texture. While these wasps are generally docile, they may sting if provoked.

Carpenter Bee

Carpenter bees are solitary insects that nest in wood. They excavate tunnels in wooden structures such as tree trunks, decks, or eaves. The entrance holes they create are perfectly circular. Male carpenter bees are territorial but do not sting, while females can sting if provoked.

Eastern Cicada Killer

Eastern cicada killers nest in dry, sandy soil, creating burrows that can extend several feet underground. These solitary wasps are not very aggressive towards humans unless directly handled.

Miner Bees

Miner bees, also known as ground bees, nest in the ground, creating small tunnels in areas with bare or sparsely vegetated soil. These bees are generally non-aggressive and rarely sting, focusing on pollinating and collecting nectar.

Mud Dauber

Mud daubers construct their nests from mud or clay, often attaching them to walls, rocks, or other structures. Each nest is composed of a series of individual mud cells. These solitary wasps are typically docile and non-aggressive toward humans.

Bald-Faced Hornet

Bald-faced hornets tend to build nests in attics, trees, and other high-up structures from which their distinguishable gray nests can hang. These bees can be identified from the distinct white markings on their heads. They produce a nasty sting and have a very aggressive nature.