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Ants are a common pest issue that often requires effective pest control measures. These industrious insects can infiltrate homes and businesses in search of food and water. Pest control for ants typically involves identifying and eliminating their entry points, employing baits and barriers, and addressing the source of attraction. Here at GreenStone Pest Pros, we utilize environmentally friendly methods to manage ant infestations, ensuring the safety of residents and pets. Swift and targeted interventions are essential to prevent the establishment of ant colonies and to maintain a pest-free environment.

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Ant Varieties

Pharaoh Ant

A small yellow or light brown ant that is a major indoor nuisance pest, especially in hospitals. They prefer to nest indoors in warm, humid areas near food sources and are commonly found in commercial food-handling establishments such as hospitals and grocery stores.

Ghost Ant

A small, pale ant with a dark head and thorax, and a translucent abdomen. They prefer to nest in moist environments, such as under leaf litter or in potted plants.

Pavement Ant

A small, dark brown or black ant that is commonly found in urban areas. They are known for their habit of excavating soil and creating small mounds on pavement or concrete.

Little Black Ant

A small, shiny black ant that is commonly found in North America. They are known for their habit of nesting in soil, under rocks, or rotting wood.

Acrobat Ant

A small to medium-sized ant with a heart-shaped abdomen and a distinctive habit of raising its abdomen over its head when disturbed. They prefer to nest in moist environments such as under logs or in rotting wood.

Odorous House Ant

A small, dark brown or black ant that is commonly found in North America. They are known for their habit of nesting in soil, under rocks, or in rotting wood, and for emitting a strong, unpleasant odor when crushed.

Thief Ant

A small, pale ant that is commonly found in North America. They are known for their habit of stealing food and larvae from other ant colonies, hence their name.

Carpenter Ant

A larger ant that is commonly found in North America. They are known for their habit of excavating wood to create nests which can cause significant damage to wooden structures.